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Artwork Submission Procedure

1.Artwork Requirements


There is no limit on themes. We hope to collect artworks with a diversity of themes.


We accepted artworks in all mediums and sizes.

Drawing, painting, writing, photography, short film/video,etc. are all welcomed.

*Digital copies of artworks need to be submitted. If your artwork is not digital, you may submit a high-quality photograph/scan of your work.*

3)Artwork Statement

Along with your submission, please include an explanation (maximum of 100 words) of your work.

2.Submission Guidelines

How to submit:


- Please submit your work to our email,

- Please check your email for updates from us after you submit.


*In the email, please include:

1.The subject of the email:

 CORONA-CANVAS Online Art Fundraising Campaign Submission- Your Name|Artwork title

2. Your submission

3. Your statement of your work


*As soon as we receive your email, a judging team will be in charge of the qualification process. 

Artists will be notified once the decision has been made.





3. Start fundraising

1) Once your submission is qualified, we will contact you and help you to select a hospital or charity where you would like the donations to go.


2) Next, we will create a personal GoFundMe link for you to raise donations. 


3) The GoFundMe link will be attached under your artwork in the gallery. By visiting our gallery, visitors can click into your GoFundMe account and donate to the hospitals of your choice, under your name. In this way, your artwork can raise donations under your name.

4. Awards

1)All participants will get a Participation Award


2)Artists who successfully raise donations will be awarded a Charitable Artist Award.


3)Artists who gain more than $200 of donations will be awarded a special Outstanding Contribution Award.

If you missed the deadline or have any questions, please contact us through our email,

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